Tuesday, June 12, 2012

GMail +1

Here is a neat feature in GMail that I just found out about.  If you add +1 to the end of your email address, before the @gmail.com, then it will still go to your original gmail account.  Lets say for example I have awesome@gmail.com.  I can also use awesome+1@gmail.com, awesome+2@gmail.com, awesome+3@gamil.com etc.  and any replys would go to awesome@gmail.com.  I'm trying to figure out practical applications of use for this.  So far all I'm coming up with is contest applications because usually website or contest that you are signing up for will see each new addition as a unique email account.  You'd still get the spam though.  Something to ponder.  If you think of a good use for this feature let me know!  :)


  1. We use it for creating student email addresses for our elementary students since they are not old enough to have an email address.


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