Sunday, August 26, 2012

Web Design Cheats & Tips

Memory, not being what it should be, and seeings as how I don't design every day, I often need to look up simple coding practices when making a new website.  

Here is my own little cheat sheet

Help with colors
Color Combos: This site helps you choose compatable color schemes.  Love it.

Color Picker Here is w3 School link for HTML Hexidecimal colors.  Has lighter and darker shades which is super helpful:

Optimize images
Image Optimizer: If your image is way too big (file size and wxh) then you can shrink it here online.

FROM your regular HTML pages:
Referencing Style Sheets:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tis.css" />
Referring to Div: 
<div class="navlinks">
FROM the CSS document:

Font Family sample:
body {
  font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;

.navlinks {
    text-align: center;
    margin-left: auto;

Here is a great W3C reference to font-family attributes:

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Work From Home Leads

Are you interested in Working From Home?  I know a lot of people who would LOVE to work from home.  I am one of the lucky (?) people able to from the convince of my home office.

I'm sure that most people think that it is an ideal situation.  No boss breathing down your throat, you can work in your jammies, if you have kids, you don't have to worry about day care, if you have health problems then you don't have to worry about missing work.  These are all legitimate reasons to WANT to work from home.

It's not always so cut and dry though.  First of all if you have young kids, like under 5 years old, it is very difficult to juggle working at home and taking care of your child(ren).  I have four children, ages 10, 7, 5 and 17 months.  Trying to wear all of my "hats" during the summer is extremely stressful.  I want to be super mom and super employee and super "house-wife" but trust me, only a true superhero can be all three at one time.  I've found it virtually impossible to have any kind of professional "phone" persona with young children running wild in the background.  And if you do have an office with a closed door, there is no way you can let a 1 year old run around the house for 8 hours a day unsupervised.  Or even 1/2 hour!  So my office is the front room with a baby gate in place.  The baby stays in here with me.  If the older kids or hubby is home, I may keep the kids on the other side of the gate while I'm on conference calls.  But luckily the people I work with know that I have young children and work with me.  I don't have a call center job and only have to touch base via phone to clarify projects.  Most of my communication is done through email.

So to recap, working from home with small children takes a very disciplined structured home environment and tons of patience, as well as the willingness to give and take on your expectations.

You may be wondering how people get work-at home jobs.  If you have already been searching you may be extremely discouraged, because most searches for work-from-home jobs will show you results that request money for the privilege of giving you information that may lead to a legitimate job.  BEWARE.  If anyone asks you for money RUN AWAY!  Hang up, don't look back.

I've been working from home since November of 2005.  My first gig was as a transcriber for a company in Canada   The work was fine.  My husband worked 2nd shift and I usually worked while the kids were sleeping or in the mornings when my husband was awake at home.  In 2006 I answered a craigslist ad for a web developer position and ended up becoming more of a jack-of-all-trades.  I've been with that company every since.  I've also picked up some editing and writing gigs.  The pay isn't much for my main client so I'm always scouting supplemental work.  Along the way I've applied for hundreds of other jobs.  Some scams and some I've never heard from again. A few short gigs have resulted.

From my vast experience with applying for virtual jobs, here is a hint that may help.  On your resume, remove any personal information if you are going to apply to a job with an unknown company.  I have a resume specifically for applying to work-from-home jobs that only lists my email address and phone number.  I don't list my home address for virtual jobs.  You never know where you are really sending your personal information and better to be safe than sorry.


Ratrace Rebellion.  This is a great website.  The people that run the site give you FREE leads every day. They also list companies by category (ie type of work) that typically look for home based workers. RRR even shows you great keywords that you can use in a search for your own work-from-home leads.  I have to say on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest I give them 11 stars.  They are totally legit and a great resource to begin your search.  I have been looking at this site for about 7 years now.  Several times a week they push out new screened job leads on their jobs page.  Since they screen the leads it helps focus on more legit opportunities, but most of the leads are from craigslist.  Be very careful about replying to craigslist ads.  Never give all of your personal info, and never give out your credit score.  I encourage you to check out any lead you have with the Better Business Bureau.  Make sure the company is legit.  Another thing to note, there are a LOT of ads on WAHM's site.  As of the publication of this blog entry, the top of middle column of the jobs page is an insert from  You may find legitimate job leads there, but the job leads screened by will be below that box.  I usually check those out first.


VOT appears to be legitimate, but I've never had a call back for any job I've applied for and VOT wants you to purchase software to be certified or qualified to apply for jobs.

Craigslist  You may be able to find a good work from home job on craigslist but be weary.  The way to look is to click on the JOBS heading to give you ALL jobs in a given location, then click the Telecommute box to narrow your search.  You may find a pearl hidden there.  And you don't have to limit your search to your local home town.  Try all over.


There are a few good lead generators that you can have access to with a subscription service.  I've tried a couple, and the one I liked the best was Virtual Vocations.  I believe it is about 15.00 a month, but you can check out the job leads before you purchase a subscription.   They will let you know the job description for free.  The contact information comes with the subscription.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tired of Walking Through the Airport?

I like this one.  Samsonite is working in conjunction with Micro Luggage to make a scooter that folds out of your traveling case.  It's light weight and durable.  Has a spot for your lap top and a change of clothes.

Looks like you can buy it from Amazon for about 300.00.  Not something you'd want to buy if you are not a frequent flyer.  Unless you have a ton of money and like interesting, and expensive toys.

I haven't flown very often, but most recently I've been in the Detroit International Airport.  It is a long trek from departures to your gate.  The walk out for parking can be a pain too.  This seems like a nifty way to eat up the distance.

There is an alternative from Glide Gear for around $90.00.  This is a backpack with a built in scooter.   When I checked on Amazon today it is selling for 74.00 there.  Would be neat for kids that walked to school.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ad Leads

This looks like a great deal for small businesses looking to get the word out.
This thing called AdLeads allows you to only pay for customers that sign up for more information from your company.  Great way to put your ad dollars to work.
check out the link here:

Monday, August 13, 2012

Short Cut Keys

This isn't exactly a "find" as much as sharing general knowledge.  

Ever have one of those moments where you are happily typing away and then your screen goes funky or something weird comes up.  Thank you short cuts.  If you know what you did its easy to fix it.  If not, you may just be scratching you head, or yelling at the PC ghost to leave you alone already.  

I love short cut keys and use them all the time.  Today I was typing an email, accidentally erased a whole sentence.  Wanna know what I did?  Accidentally hit Ctrl-Z.   That is the UNDO keyboard short cut.  Wanna know how to fix it?  Ctrl-Y.  That will REdo what you just Undid.   If you want some more handy short cuts, here is a whole list of them:

  • Ctrl - C to copy, the text remains in the original position and you can paste it elsewhere
  • Ctrl - X to cut, the text is removed from the original position and you can paste it elsewhere
  • Ctrl - V to paste contents that you just copied or cut
  • Ctrl -Z to undo any action you just took. This includes typing, copying pasting etc.
  • Ctrl-Y to redo anything you undid
  • Ctrl - I to italicize text 
  • Ctrl - B to make text bold  
  • Ctrl - U to underline text
  • Shift - arrow key will allow you to highlight single characters
  • Ctrl -shift-arrow key will allow you to highlight entire words
  • Home key puts your cursor at the beginning of the line of text
  • End key puts your cursor at the end of the line of text
  • Ctrl - Home puts your cursor at the top of the document
  • Ctrl - End puts your cursor at the bottom of the document
  • Ctrl -E will center text
  • Ctrl - A will highlight the entire document 
  • Ctrl -R will right justify text
  • Ctrl - L will left justify text
Miscellaneous Shortcuts
  • Ctrl - S will save your document
  • Ctrl - O brings up a menu that allows you to open a different existing document. You can use your tab key navigate through this menu and down arrow key to go through drop menu items. If you tabbed past a section that you meant to stop at, hold down the shift key and then tap the tab key at the same to go back.
  • Ctrl - N will bring up a new blank document
  • F11 - this function key will put you in "full screen" mode.  Some people may not know how to get back to their desktop with out the bar on the bottom with the start key and icons of programs that you have open.  It also takes away your menu at the top of the screen to make more realestate for the program you are currently working in.  If you loose sight of everything (top and bottom) try hitting the F11 button.  It will put you INTO full screen mode and take out OUT OF full screen mode.
Hope this list helps :)